About the BLP

Our mission is to provide a cradle-to-career education that allows our children to enjoy lives of choice and opportunity.

A message from our CEO

Hello, and thanks for stopping by. We believe there is something very special about The Brigshaw Learning Partnership; it is a great environment to learn, work and grow in. We serve a close-knit community in East Leeds and are committed to improving outcomes for our families, children and young people.

For over a decade, our schools have collaborated to ensure all children have access to high standards of education, guidance and support. In 2016, our schools cemented this collaboration further through the formation of The Brigshaw Learning Partnership (BLP), a Multi-Academy Trust.

This context gives us a unique opportunity to shape a child’s journey from infancy all the way through to university or a high quality alternative. This is a huge opportunity, and a responsibility we take very seriously. Our seven schools share a common commitment to improving  outcomes and raising aspirations for all students in the communities we serve. 

Our mission is to provide a cradle to career education that allows our children to enjoy lives of choice and opportunity. By the age of 18, we want every child to have the option of university or a high quality alternative. This means that we aim for life changing personal and academic  outcomes, with no child left behind. 

Vision and values

Our schools chose to join in a stronger partnership, which would provide an equal measure of both challenge and support, and ensure schools continue to improve whilst remaining committed to our core values:

EqualityWe are one team with one goal, unapologetically ambitious for all in the belief that every child can achieve, regardless of their background or socio economic status. We work with each other and for each other.
ResilienceWe give 100% effort. We don’t make excuses or give up when it’s hard, embracing challenges as opportunities for growth. We know success is achieved incrementally.
IntegrityWe are open about our successes and areas for growth and take responsibility to become better, every day.